SAFAR: Publications

Book Chapter

D. Namly, K. Bouzoubaa, A. El Jihad, S. L. Aouragh, “Improving Arabic Lemmatization through a lemmas database and a machine-learning technique”, In book: Studies in Computational Intelligence: Recent advances in NLP: the case of Arabic language. November, 2019.

Tachicart R., Bouzoubaa K., “Towards Automatic Normalization of the Moroccan Dialectal Arabic User Generated Text”, In book: Arabic Language Processing: From Theory to Practice, October 2019, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-32959-4_19 (The Google scholarship at the 7th International Conference on Arabic Language Processing, Nancy, France)

D. Namly, K. Bouzoubaa, R. Tajmout, A. Laadimi, “On Arabic Stop-Words: A Comprehensive List and a Dedicated Morphological Analyzer”, In book: Arabic Language Processing: From Theory to Practice, October 2019, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-32959-4_11


A. Saty, K. Bouzoubaa, S. L. Aouragh, “Survey of Arabic Checker Techniques”, Journal of Engineering and Computer Science (JECS), Vol 21, No 1, 2020

R. Tachicart, K. Bouzoubaa, “Moroccan Data-Driven Spelling Normalization Using Character Neural Embedding”, Vietnam Journal of Computer Science, World Scientific, pp. 1-19, 2020

H. Salah El Fahal, M. Nasri, K. Bouzoubaa, A. Kabbaj, “Roadmap for an Arabic Controlled Language”, In International Journal of Information Technology and Language Studies, Vol 3, No 3, 2019

D. Namly, K. Bouzoubaa, A. Yousfi, “A Bi-Technical Analysis for Arabic Stop-words Detection”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology – Compusoft, Volume 8, Num 5, pp. 3126-3134, 2019

Y. Jaafar, K. Bouzoubaa, “Towards a New Hybrid Approach for Abstractive Summarization”, Procedia computer science, vol. 142, pp 286-293, 2018

Jaafar Y., Bouzoubaa K. (2018) “A Survey and Comparative Study of Arabic NLP Architectures”. In: Shaalan K., Hassanien A., Tolba F. (eds) Intelligent Natural Language Processing: Trends and Applications. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 740. Springer, Cham

Younes Jaafar, Karim Bouzoubaa, Abdellah Yousfi, Rachida Tajmout, Hakima Khamar, “Improving Arabic Morphological Analyzers Benchmark”, The International Journal of Speech Technology (IJST) Springer num.2 19 4/ 2016


Karim Bouzoubaa, Younes Jaafar, Driss Namly, Ridouane Tachicart, Rachida Tajmout, hakima khamar, hamid jaafar, Lhoussain aouragh and Abdellah Yousfi. “A description and demonstration of SAFAR framework”. Proceedings of the EACL Workshop. 2021.

Tnaji, K., Bouzoubaa, K., Si Lhoussain Aouragh, S.L, “A light Arabic POS Tagger using a hybrid approach. In the international conference on digital technologies and applications”, January 29-30, 2021.

K. Bouzoubaa, “Importance of Frameworks in Language Technology – Case of Arabic”, Proceedings of the Language Technologies for All (LT4All), pages 112–115, Paris, UNESCO Headquarters, 5-6 December, 2019.

R. Tachicart, K. Bouzoubaa, “An Empirical Analysis of Moroccan Dialectal User-Generated Text”, in 6th International Conference Computational Collective Intelligence CCINLP, Hendaye, France, September 2019

R. Tachicart, K. Bouzoubaa, “Moroccan Vocabulary Compilation for Automatic Spelling Normalization”, in International Conference on Advanced Technologies and Humanitarian Sciences ICATHS, Rabat, Morocco, July 2019

Y. Jaafar, M. Nasri, K. Bouzoubaa, “Semantic Analysis of Arabic Texts within SAFAR Framework “, 5th International IEEE Congress on Information Science and Technology CIST’18, Marrakech, Morocco, October 2018

A. El Jihad, D. Namly, A. Hamdani, K. Bouzoubaa, “The Development of a Standard Morpho-Syntactic Lexicon for Arabic NLP”, International Conference on Learning and Optimization Algorithms: Theory and Applications, Rabat, Morocco, May 2018

Jaafar Y., Bouzoubaa K. (2018) “A New Tool for Benchmarking and Assessing Arabic Syntactic Parsers”. In: Lachkar A., Bouzoubaa K., Mazroui A., Hamdani A., Lekhouaja A. (eds) Arabic Language Processing: From Theory to Practice. ICALP 2017. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 782. Springer, Cham

Tachicart R., Bouzoubaa K., Aouragh S.L., Jaafar H. (2018) “Automatic Identification of Moroccan Colloquial Arabic”. In: Lachkar A., Bouzoubaa K., Mazroui A., Hamdani A., Lekhouaja A. (eds) Arabic Language Processing: From Theory to Practice. ICALP 2017. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 782. Springer, Cham

Y. Jaafar, K. Bouzoubaa, “How Can SAFAR Framework Help in Sentiment Analysis and Advanced ANLP Processing?”, In Proceeding of Journée d’études sur le TALA et les défis d’analyse de sentiments et d’opinions, Rabat, May, 2017

Y. Regragui, L. Abouenour, F. Krieche, K. Bouzoubaa, P. Rosso, “Arabic WordNet: New Content and New Applications”, In Proceeding of the 8th Global Wordnet Conference (GWN 2016), Bucharest, Romania 1/ 2016

D. Namli, K. Bouzoubaa, R. Tajmout, Y. Tahir and H. Khamar, “A Complex Arabic stop-words list design”, in 2ème Journée Doctorale Nationale sur l’Ingénierie de la Langue Arabe (JDILA’15), Fes, Morocco 10/ 2015

Younes Jaafar, Karim Bouzoubaa, Arabic Natural Language Processing from Software Engineering to Complex Pipelines, CICLing Cairo, Egypt 4/ 2015

Driss Namly, Karim Bouzoubaa, Youssef Tahir and Hakima Khamar, Development of Arabic particles lexicon using the LMF framework Colloque pour les Etudiants Chercheurs en Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel et ses applications (CEC-TAL 2015). , le 23-25 Mars 2015. Sousse – Tunisia 3/ 2015

Y. Jaafar, K. Bouzouba, “Benchmark of Arabic morphological analyzers: challenges and solutions”, 9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems: Theories and Applications (SITA-14), Rabat, Maroc, 7-8 May 2014

Y. Jaafar, K. Bouzouba, “Plateformes pour le Traitement Automatique de la Langue Arabe”, 1ère Journée Doctorale sur l’Ingénierie de la Langue Arabe, Rabat, Maroc, 08/02/2014

Y. Souteh, K. Bouzoubaa, ” SAFAR platform and its morphological layer”, In Proceeding of the Eleventh Conference on Language Engineering ESOLEC’2011, Cairo, Egypt, 14/ 12/ 2011

Y. Souteh, K. Bouzoubaa, “Approche de mise en œuvre du niveau morphologique dans la plateforme SAFAR”, In Proceeding of the International Workshop on Information Technologies and Communication WOTIC’2011, Casablanca, Morocco, 13/ 10/ 2011

T. Loukili, K. Bouzoubaa, “Structuration et Standardisation des ressources linguistiques de l’Arabe – cas de l’alphabet, préfixes et suffixes”, Journées Doctorales en Technologies de l’Information et Communication, Tangier, Morocco, 7/ 2011

K. Bouzouba, Y. Souteh, “Vers une plateforme intégrée pour le traitement automatique de la langue Arabe”, Technologies d’Information et Communication en Langue Arabe TICLA, Paris, France , 6/ 2011

S. Sidrine, Y. Souteh, K. Bouzoubaa, T. Loukili, “SAFAR: vers une plateforme ouverte pour le traitement automatique de la langue Arabe”, the 6th Intelligent Systems: Theory and Applications SITA, Rabat, Morocco, 5/ 2010

L. Abouenour, S. El Hassani, T. Yazidy, K. Bouzoubaa, A. Hamdani, “Building an Arabic Morphological Analyzer as part of an Open Arabic NLP Platform”, Workshop HLT & NLP within the Arabic world : Arabic Language and Local Languages Processing Status Updates and Prospects, Language Resources and Evaluation Conference LREC, Marrakech, Morocco, 31/ 5/ 2008